Excellent Customer Care at Sousa since 1996

Over 28 years of excellent service

“If Trucking is the backbone of North America, then we are the chiropracters” – John Sousa 

Providing Trailers for Over 28 years

With a legacy dating back to 1988, Sousa. stands as a beacon of experience, professionalism, and unwavering reliability in the trailer industry. Over the decades, our commitment to excellence has solidified our reputation as a trusted partner, ensuring that every customer benefits from our seasoned expertise. When you choose Sousa Convoy Ltd., you’re not just getting trailers; you’re gaining access to a time-tested tradition of service marked by experience, professionalism, and unyielding reliability.”

Why Choose Us?

Flexible lease terms

Comprehensive maintenance solutions

National maintenance network

24hr emergency breakdown service

Contact Us


+1 800) 560-1050

71 Innovation Dr, Woodbridge, ON L4H 0S3